Investing is important because it makes your future secure, it helps you achieve your financial goals and the important factor is to beat inflation.
I can go on writing about why it is important but I need to explain you practically. Let’s see with some examples:-
Assume you are in your 20s or 30s and you have a stable income and 2-3 dependents and you are not investing a penny because of:-
– Fear of Stock Markets.
– Fear of losing of out on capital.
– Skeptical about markets.
and many more reasons like this…
Inflation, in simple terms, is a rise in price of goods and services. It decreases the worth of your money and reduces your purchasing power. When there is a rise in the inflation rate, you buy fewer things with the same amount of money. You have no control over the inflation rate. If you are to stay ahead of inflation, you need to have more money to purchase the extent of the goods you intend to in the future with the money you have today. But, money doesn’t grow on its own. If your money has to grow, then it has to earn returns. To earn returns, you need to invest.
Now everyone will tell you invest, but how to start? where to start? you might be confused right?
The best way to start as a beginner is Mutual Funds as it gives you diversification, good returns and tension free life. Why Tension free? because you don’t have to put efforts and time on selecting the stocks, analysing it etc.
This saves your time and makes your money grow with time.
You can always consult with MyFundSIP, where you will get end to end service regarding your investment journey.
We have got you all covered. Just drop in the query or call us directly.